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Wyoming Prospectors Association

P.O. Box 1269

Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Minutes for meeting held on 3-10-12







President Curtis Addison


Treasurer Deb Palmer


V. Pres. Janiece Robinson


Immediate Past Pres.

Jacque Schmidt


Secretary Joyce Raymond


Pot Luck Lunch was enjoyed by all.

Following lunch President Curtis Addison introduced our guest speaker Wayne Sutherland. Wayne is a Geologist with the Wy. USGS Office in Cheyenne. He spoke of the history of Gold Mining, minerals and gems found in Wy. He also demonstrated, by the use of graphs, the fluctuations of Gold Prices. Wayne also covered geological formations where gold is more likely to be found. Wayne also had a few copies of a book that he authored entitled Yellowstone Farewell which is for sale. All six (6) copies he had with him were purchased at the meeting.

After completion of Wayne’s presentation President Addison called the March meeting of the WPA to order. Time was approximately 2.00 PM.

The minutes of the last meeting were read. Randy Hutchison made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Les Armstrong seconded the motion. Motion passed.

A Thank You card from The Christian Food Bank was read.

The Treasures report was read. Jacque Schmidt made a motion to approve the treasurers report. Larry Noble seconded and the motion passed.

President Addison reported on Gold Dredging in some other states and the regulations they are having to work with. A discussion followed.

President Addison reminded those present that all Claim Assessment forms have to be in prior to Aug. 31st.

Randy reported that he talked to Ron Bixler and he gave us permission to have our Annual Outing on his property again this year. This is the location on Big Atlantic Gulch where the ponds are located. Carl Anderson reported there will be NO CAMPING on Rock Creek.

Remember, the Annual Outing is scheduled for June 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.

Everyone keep in mind we need volunteers to help with the Annual Outing.

Volunteers so far are: Les Armstrong- Metal Detecting, Janiece Robinson – food and ice, Deb Palmer – Porta Johns. We still need someone to be the Organizer.

Deb Palmer reported that Nick and Carolyn Kerpchar have sold their house in Casper and are moving to Texas. Janiece Robinson volunteered to assume the duties of the Membership Coordinator and will go to Casper so Nick can give her a crash coarse with the program before he leaves. Deb also passed around a list of items Nick has for sale.

Keith Blair said he will put the list on the website.

Randy Hutchison made a motion to buy Nicks Desert Fox Gold Panner for $254.00. Carl Anderson seconded and the motion passed.

Deb Palmer informed the members that the Board of Directors had selected five (5) organizations to receive $100.00 each as donations from WPA. The Riverton Christian Food Bank, Fremont County Search and Rescue, The Chance Phelps Foundation, The Heritage Museum, and the VFW Assistance Fund.

Carl Anderson made a motion to pay our membership with PLP. Keith Blair seconded and the motion passed.

Jacque said that Wal Mart has offered the Club a space at their Parking Lot Hunting Preview on May 19th. Jim Brines will talk to the Manager of the Sporting Goods and report back to us at the April meeting.

Keith Blair reported on updates and changes on Web Site. Thanks Keith!

Next meeting will be:

April 14, 2012

The Church Of Christ

#39 Gas Hills Rd.

Riverton, Wy.

Pot Luck Lunch at 12:00 Noon. Bring a covered dish and your own table service.

Meeting at 1:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40PM

The Door Prize was won by David Olson

The 50-50 raffle was won by Rosemary Blair.

Raffle followed the meeting. Congrats to all winners.


Joyce Raymond Secretary.




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